2021-05-15 15:59:51 +00:00
# to do
## game data structure
2021-11-14 18:06:37 +00:00
more colours? max 10? (0-9)
colours not in palette can use modulo
2021-05-19 19:44:07 +00:00
add "move" functions for entities
e.g. move(direction), teleport
2021-05-19 16:51:38 +00:00
add "from_dir" functions for structs
make that function generic?
2021-05-17 12:21:40 +00:00
what is the distinction between animate and inanimate objects?
* "tiles" which can animate, and optionally block movement, but have no other behaviour
* "things" which can have complicated behaviours
* ditch foreground/background?
* no - player character needs to be on top of a background image
* each position could have (optionally) a tile and (optionally) a thing
* things have render priority
2021-05-19 16:51:38 +00:00
* ideally support gif/png for images (are there other indexed colour formats?)
2021-05-15 15:59:51 +00:00
## players
* ~graphics~
* re-use player avatar drawing function as generic image drawing function
* text (how?)
* support older graphics adaptors
2021-11-14 18:06:37 +00:00
* player has some graphical tearing on non-integer window sizes
2021-05-15 15:59:51 +00:00
### windows
* ~try to compile~
* does not work on my acer laptop (2012)
* does not work on my windows 8 VM
* works on my computer via wine!
### future: arm/raspberry pi?
### web
will need:
* base64 decoding
* zip parsing
* webgl or something?
* audio??
## editor
* build something in egui
* can we do a web version that works with zip files?
* investigate zip compression/decompression in rust
2021-11-14 18:06:37 +00:00
## documentation
where to find XMs?
https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_license&query=publicdomain etc.
pouet.net or something?