doctype html html(lang="en-gb") head meta(charset="utf-8") title tilesy link(rel="stylesheet" href="includes/style.css") body h1 img(alt="tilesy" src="includes/tilesy.png") p span.background import 8×8 tile sheets into Bitsy games .pages .page#start create a new bitsy game load an existing bitsy game h2 game data input#game(type="file" autocomplete="off") br textarea#game-data( placeholder="Paste your game data here or use the file chooser button above" autocomplete="off" ) button.pagination.prev previous next .page.image h2 image .image-container input#image(type="file" autocomplete="off") img#preview button.pagination.prev previous next .page.extras h2 tiles label | tile name (optional) input#prefix(type="text" placeholder="e.g. 'forest'" autocomplete="off") h3 create alternate versions .checkboxes label input(type="checkbox")#invert | inverted label input(type="checkbox")#flip | flipped label input(type="checkbox")#mirror | mirrored label input(type="checkbox")#rotate | rotated p. some tile sheets assume you will be able to flip and rotate their tiles. Bitsy does not allow this, so it may be easier to generate these alternate versions here. button.pagination.prev#back-to-image previous next h2 download textarea#output(autocomplete="off") br button#download download button.pagination.prev#add add another image button.pagination.start#reset start again script(type="module") include script.js