var extractProperties = require('./extract-properties'); var extractSelectors = require('./extract-selectors'); var track = require('../source-maps/track'); var split = require('../utils/split'); var path = require('path'); var flatBlock = /(@(font\-face|page|\-ms\-viewport|\-o\-viewport|viewport|counter\-style)|\\@.+?)/; var BACKSLASH = '\\'; function tokenize(data, outerContext) { var chunks = split(normalize(data), '}', true, '{', '}'); if (chunks.length === 0) return []; var context = { chunk: chunks.shift(), chunks: chunks, column: 0, cursor: 0, line: 1, mode: 'top', resolvePath: outerContext.options.explicitTarget ? relativePathResolver(outerContext.options.root, : null, source: undefined, sourceMap: outerContext.options.sourceMap, sourceMapInlineSources: outerContext.options.sourceMapInlineSources, sourceMapTracker: outerContext.inputSourceMapTracker, sourceReader: outerContext.sourceReader, sourceTracker: outerContext.sourceTracker, state: [], track: outerContext.options.sourceMap ? function (data, snapshotMetadata, fallbacks) { return [[track(data, context, snapshotMetadata, fallbacks)]]; } : function () { return []; }, warnings: outerContext.warnings }; return intoTokens(context); } function normalize(data) { return data.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); } function relativePathResolver(root, target) { var rebaseTo = path.relative(root, target); return function (relativeTo, sourcePath) { return relativeTo != sourcePath ? path.normalize(path.join(path.relative(rebaseTo, path.dirname(relativeTo)), sourcePath)) : sourcePath; }; } function whatsNext(context) { var mode = context.mode; var chunk = context.chunk; var closest; if (chunk.length == context.cursor) { if (context.chunks.length === 0) return null; context.chunk = chunk = context.chunks.shift(); context.cursor = 0; } if (mode == 'body') { if (chunk[context.cursor] == '}') return [context.cursor, 'bodyEnd']; if (chunk.indexOf('}', context.cursor) == -1) return null; closest = context.cursor + split(chunk.substring(context.cursor - 1), '}', true, '{', '}')[0].length - 2; return [closest, 'bodyEnd']; } var nextSpecial = nextAt(context, '@'); var nextEscape = chunk.indexOf('__ESCAPED_', context.cursor); var nextBodyStart = nextAt(context, '{'); var nextBodyEnd = nextAt(context, '}'); if (nextSpecial > -1 && context.cursor > 0 && !/\s|\{|\}|\/|_|,|;/.test(chunk.substring(nextSpecial - 1, nextSpecial))) { nextSpecial = -1; } if (nextEscape > -1 && /\S/.test(chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextEscape))) nextEscape = -1; closest = nextSpecial; if (closest == -1 || (nextEscape > -1 && nextEscape < closest)) closest = nextEscape; if (closest == -1 || (nextBodyStart > -1 && nextBodyStart < closest)) closest = nextBodyStart; if (closest == -1 || (nextBodyEnd > -1 && nextBodyEnd < closest)) closest = nextBodyEnd; if (closest == -1) return; if (nextEscape === closest) return [closest, 'escape']; if (nextBodyStart === closest) return [closest, 'bodyStart']; if (nextBodyEnd === closest) return [closest, 'bodyEnd']; if (nextSpecial === closest) return [closest, 'special']; } function nextAt(context, character) { var startAt = context.cursor; var chunk = context.chunk; var position; while ((position = chunk.indexOf(character, startAt)) > -1) { if (isEscaped(chunk, position)) { startAt = position + 1; } else { return position; } } return -1; } function isEscaped(chunk, position) { var startAt = position; var backslashCount = 0; while (startAt > 0 && chunk[startAt - 1] == BACKSLASH) { backslashCount++; startAt--; } return backslashCount % 2 !== 0; } function intoTokens(context) { var chunk = context.chunk; var tokenized = []; var newToken; var value; while (true) { var next = whatsNext(context); if (!next) { var whatsLeft = context.chunk.substring(context.cursor); if (whatsLeft.trim().length > 0) { if (context.mode == 'body') { context.warnings.push('Missing \'}\' after \'' + whatsLeft + '\'. Ignoring.'); } else { tokenized.push(['text', [whatsLeft]]); } context.cursor += whatsLeft.length; } break; } var nextSpecial = next[0]; var what = next[1]; var nextEnd; var oldMode; chunk = context.chunk; if (context.cursor != nextSpecial && what != 'bodyEnd') { var spacing = chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextSpecial); var leadingWhitespace = /^\s+/.exec(spacing); if (leadingWhitespace) { context.cursor += leadingWhitespace[0].length; context.track(leadingWhitespace[0]); } } if (what == 'special') { var firstOpenBraceAt = chunk.indexOf('{', nextSpecial); var firstSemicolonAt = chunk.indexOf(';', nextSpecial); var isSingle = firstSemicolonAt > -1 && (firstOpenBraceAt == -1 || firstSemicolonAt < firstOpenBraceAt); var isBroken = firstOpenBraceAt == -1 && firstSemicolonAt == -1; if (isBroken) { context.warnings.push('Broken declaration: \'' + chunk.substring(context.cursor) + '\'.'); context.cursor = chunk.length; } else if (isSingle) { nextEnd = chunk.indexOf(';', nextSpecial + 1); value = chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextEnd + 1); tokenized.push([ 'at-rule', [value].concat(context.track(value, true)) ]); context.track(';'); context.cursor = nextEnd + 1; } else { nextEnd = chunk.indexOf('{', nextSpecial + 1); value = chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextEnd); var trimmedValue = value.trim(); var isFlat = flatBlock.test(trimmedValue); oldMode = context.mode; context.cursor = nextEnd + 1; context.mode = isFlat ? 'body' : 'block'; newToken = [ isFlat ? 'flat-block' : 'block' ]; newToken.push([trimmedValue].concat(context.track(value, true))); context.track('{'); newToken.push(intoTokens(context)); if (typeof newToken[2] == 'string') newToken[2] = extractProperties(newToken[2], [[trimmedValue]], context); context.mode = oldMode; context.track('}'); tokenized.push(newToken); } } else if (what == 'escape') { nextEnd = chunk.indexOf('__', nextSpecial + 1); var escaped = chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextEnd + 2); var isStartSourceMarker = !!context.sourceTracker.nextStart(escaped); var isEndSourceMarker = !!context.sourceTracker.nextEnd(escaped); if (isStartSourceMarker) { context.track(escaped); context.state.push({ source: context.source, line: context.line, column: context.column }); context.source = context.sourceTracker.nextStart(escaped).filename; context.line = 1; context.column = 0; } else if (isEndSourceMarker) { var oldState = context.state.pop(); context.source = oldState.source; context.line = oldState.line; context.column = oldState.column; context.track(escaped); } else { if (escaped.indexOf('__ESCAPED_COMMENT_SPECIAL') === 0) tokenized.push(['text', [escaped]]); context.track(escaped); } context.cursor = nextEnd + 2; } else if (what == 'bodyStart') { var selectors = extractSelectors(chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextSpecial), context); oldMode = context.mode; context.cursor = nextSpecial + 1; context.mode = 'body'; var body = extractProperties(intoTokens(context), selectors, context); context.track('{'); context.mode = oldMode; tokenized.push([ 'selector', selectors, body ]); } else if (what == 'bodyEnd') { // extra closing brace at the top level can be safely ignored if (context.mode == 'top') { var at = context.cursor; var warning = chunk[context.cursor] == '}' ? 'Unexpected \'}\' in \'' + chunk.substring(at - 20, at + 20) + '\'. Ignoring.' : 'Unexpected content: \'' + chunk.substring(at, nextSpecial + 1) + '\'. Ignoring.'; context.warnings.push(warning); context.cursor = nextSpecial + 1; continue; } if (context.mode == 'block') context.track(chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextSpecial)); if (context.mode != 'block') tokenized = chunk.substring(context.cursor, nextSpecial); context.cursor = nextSpecial + 1; break; } } return tokenized; } module.exports = tokenize;