#![feature(clamp)] use bitsy_parser::game::Game; use bitsy_parser::image::Image; use bitsy_parser::tile::Tile; use image::{GenericImageView, Pixel, DynamicImage}; use image::imageops::ColorMap; use image::imageops::FilterType::CatmullRom; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use std::sync::Mutex; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; mod colour_map; use colour_map::ColourMap; const SD: u32 = 8; enum SelectedPalette { None, Existing { id: String, }, New { background: bitsy_parser::Colour, foreground: bitsy_parser::Colour, } } struct State { game: Option, image: Option, room_name: Option, palette: SelectedPalette, dither: bool, brightness: i32, } lazy_static! { static ref STATE: Mutex = Mutex::new( State { game: None, image: None, room_name: None, palette: SelectedPalette::None, dither: true, brightness: 0, } ); } fn tile_name(prefix: &Option, x: &u32, y: &u32) -> Option { if let Some(prefix) = prefix { Some(format!("{} ({},{})", prefix, x, y)) } else { None } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn load_default_game() { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); state.game = Some(bitsy_parser::mock::game_default()); // yes, this will probably always just be "0", but to be safe… state.palette = SelectedPalette::Existing { id: bitsy_parser::mock::game_default().palette_ids()[0].clone() } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn load_game(game_data: String) -> String { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); let result = Game::from(game_data); match result { Ok((game, _errs)) => { let palette_id = game.palette_ids()[0].clone(); state.game = Some(game); state.palette = SelectedPalette::Existing { id: palette_id }; format!("Loaded game") }, _ => { state.game = None; state.palette = SelectedPalette::None; format!("{}", result.err().unwrap()) } } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn load_image(image_base64: String) -> String { let mut state = STATE.lock().expect("Couldn't lock application state"); let image_base64: Vec<&str> = image_base64.split("base64,").collect(); let image_base64 = image_base64[1]; match base64::decode(image_base64) { Ok(image) => { match image::load_from_memory(image.as_ref()) { Ok(image) => { let size = format!("{}×{}", image.width(), image.height()); // todo get rid of magic numbers! what about Bitsy HD? let image = image.resize(128, 128, CatmullRom); state.image = Some(image); size }, _ => { state.image = None; "Couldn't load image".to_string() } } }, _ => { state.image = None; "Couldn't decode image".to_string() } } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn set_dither(dither: bool) { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); state.dither = dither; } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn set_palette(palette_id: &str, background: String, foreground: String) { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); state.palette = match palette_id { "NEW_PALETTE" => SelectedPalette::New { background: bitsy_parser::Colour::from_hex(&background).unwrap(), foreground: bitsy_parser::Colour::from_hex(&foreground).unwrap(), }, "" => SelectedPalette::None, _ => SelectedPalette::Existing { id: palette_id.to_string() }, } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn set_room_name(room_name: String) { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); match room_name.is_empty() { true => { state.room_name = None }, false => { state.room_name = Some(room_name) }, } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn set_brightness(brightness: i32) { let mut state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); state.brightness = brightness; } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn get_palettes() -> String { let state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); let mut palette_objects = json::JsonValue::new_array(); for palette in &state.game.as_ref().unwrap().palettes { let mut object = json::JsonValue::new_object(); object.insert("id", palette.id.clone()).unwrap(); object.insert( "name", palette.name.clone().unwrap_or( format!("Palette {}", palette.id)) ).unwrap(); palette_objects.push(object).unwrap(); } json::stringify(palette_objects) } fn image_to_base64(image: &DynamicImage) -> String { let mut bytes: Vec = Vec::new(); image.write_to(&mut bytes, image::ImageOutputFormat::Png).unwrap(); format!("data:image/png;base64,{}", base64::encode(&bytes)) } fn render_preview(state: &State) -> DynamicImage { let mut buffer = state.image.as_ref().unwrap().clone().into_rgba(); let palette = match &state.palette { SelectedPalette::None => bitsy_parser::mock::game_default().palettes[0].clone(), SelectedPalette::Existing { id } => state.game.as_ref().unwrap().get_palette(id).unwrap().clone(), SelectedPalette::New { background, foreground } => bitsy_parser::Palette { id: "0".to_string(), name: None, colours: vec![ background.clone(), foreground.clone(), bitsy_parser::Colour { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 } ], }, }; let colour_map = crate::ColourMap::from(&palette); // adjust brightness let mut buffer = image::imageops::brighten(&mut buffer, state.brightness); if state.dither { image::imageops::dither(&mut buffer, &colour_map); } else { // just do colour indexing let indices = image::imageops::colorops::index_colors(&mut buffer, &colour_map); // todo get rid of magic numbers! what about Bitsy HD? buffer = image::ImageBuffer::from_fn(128, 128, |x, y| -> image::Rgba { let p = indices.get_pixel(x, y); colour_map .lookup(p.0[0] as usize) .expect("indexed colour out-of-range") .into() }); } image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(buffer) } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn get_preview() -> String { let state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); match &state.image.is_some() { true => image_to_base64(&render_preview(&state)), false => "".to_string(), } } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn add_room() -> String { let mut state = STATE.lock().expect("Couldn't lock application state"); if state.game.is_none() { return "No game data loaded".to_string(); } match &state.palette { SelectedPalette::None => { return "No palette selected".to_string(); }, _ => {} }; let mut game = state.game.clone().unwrap(); if state.image.is_none() { return "No image loaded".to_string(); } let palette_id = Some(match &state.palette { SelectedPalette::None => bitsy_parser::mock::game_default().palettes[0].id.clone(), SelectedPalette::Existing { id } => id.clone(), SelectedPalette::New { background, foreground } => { game.add_palette(bitsy_parser::Palette { id: "0".to_string(), name: None, colours: vec![ background.clone(), foreground.clone(), bitsy_parser::Colour { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 } ], }) }, }); let foreground = &game.palettes .iter() .find(|&palette| &palette.id == palette_id.as_ref().unwrap()) .unwrap().colours[1].clone(); let preview = render_preview(&state); let width = 128; let height = 128; let columns = (width as f64 / SD as f64).floor() as u32; let rows = (height as f64 / SD as f64).floor() as u32; let mut tile_ids = Vec::new(); let initial_tile_count = game.tiles.len(); for row in 0..rows { for column in 0..columns { let mut pixels = Vec::with_capacity(64); fn colour_match(a: &image::Rgb, b: &bitsy_parser::Colour) -> u8 { if a[0] == b.red && a[1] == b.green && a[2] == b.blue { 1 } else { 0 } }; for y in (row * SD)..((row + 1) * SD) { for x in (column * SD)..((column + 1) * SD) { let pixel = preview.get_pixel(x, y).to_rgb(); pixels.push(colour_match(&pixel, foreground)); } } let tile = Tile { // "0" will get overwritten to a new, safe tile ID id: "0".to_string(), name: tile_name(&state.room_name, &column, &row), wall: None, animation_frames: vec![Image { pixels }], colour_id: None }; let tile_id = if game.tiles.contains(&tile) { game.tiles.iter().find(|&t| t == &tile).unwrap().id.clone() } else { game.add_tile(tile) }; tile_ids.push(tile_id); } } // todo if player selected "create new game", delete room 0 here? // that would probably break unless the avatar was also placed in the room game.add_room(bitsy_parser::Room { id: "0".to_string(), palette_id, name: state.room_name.clone(), tiles: tile_ids, items: vec![], exits: vec![], endings: vec![], walls: None }); game.dedupe_tiles(); let new_tile_count = game.tiles.len(); state.game = Some(game.to_owned()); format!( "Added room \"{}\" with {} new tiles", &state.room_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&"untitled".to_string()), new_tile_count - initial_tile_count ) } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn output() -> String { let state = STATE.lock().unwrap(); match &state.game { Some(game) => game.to_string(), None => "No game loaded".to_string(), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::{add_room, load_image, load_default_game, output, get_preview, set_room_name}; #[test] fn image_to_base64() { let image = image::load_from_memory(include_bytes!("test-resources/test.png")).unwrap(); let output = crate::image_to_base64(&image); let expected = include_str!("test-resources/test.png.base64").trim(); assert_eq!(output, expected); } #[test] fn get_palettes() { load_default_game(); let output = crate::get_palettes(); let expected = "[{\"id\":\"0\",\"name\":\"blueprint\"}]"; assert_eq!(output, expected); } #[test] fn render_preview() { load_default_game(); load_image(include_str!("test-resources/colour_input.png.base64").trim().to_string()); let output = get_preview(); let expected = include_str!("test-resources/colour_input.png.base64.greyscale").trim(); assert_eq!(output, expected); } #[test] fn example() { load_default_game(); load_image(include_str!("test-resources/test.png.base64").trim().to_string()); set_room_name("test".to_string()); println!("add_room(): {}", add_room()); // todo what? why are extraneous pixels appearing in the output tiles? assert_eq!(output(), include_str!("test-resources/expected.bitsy")); } }