doctype html html head // lodash script(src="lodash.min.js") // jquery script(src="jquery.min.js") // croppie link(rel="stylesheet" href="croppie.css") script(src="croppie.js") link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css") script(src="script.js") body h1 image-to-bitsy p convert any image to a bitsy room #game-data.section h2 game data textarea#bitsy-data(placeholder="Bitsy data or html") include bitsy-default.txt #image.section h2 image input#imageUpload(type="file" accepts="image/*") #croppie #palette.section h2 palette form#palettes table tbody #crop.section h2 preview canvas#preview(width=128, height=128) input#brightness(type="range" min=-255 max=255 value=0) label(for="brightness") brightness //- to do input#dithering(type="checkbox") label(for="dithering") dithering //- to do input#smoothing(type="checkbox") label(for="smoothing") smoothing #output.section h2 output canvas#output(width=128, height=128) input#threshold(type="range" min=0 max=64) br label(for="threshold") span.left use existing tiles span.right create new tiles br input#roomName(placeholder="room name") br //-label favour broad strokes | favour details br //-button Download