'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var pug = require('../'); var perfTest = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/perf.pug', 'utf8') try { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + '/temp'); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw ex; } } describe('pug', function(){ describe('unit tests with .render()', function(){ it('should support doctypes', function(){ assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype xml')); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype html')); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype foo bar baz')); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype html')); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype', { doctype:'html' })); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype html', { doctype:'xml' })); assert.equal('', pug.render('html')); assert.equal('', pug.render('html', { doctype:'html' })); assert.equal('', pug.render('doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN')); }); it('should support Buffers', function(){ assert.equal('


', pug.render(new Buffer('p foo'))); }); it('should support line endings', function(){ var src = [ 'p', 'div', 'img' ]; var html = [ '

', '
', '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\n'))); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\r'))); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\r\n'))); html = [ '

', '
', '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\n'), { doctype:'html' })); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\r'), { doctype:'html' })); assert.equal(html, pug.render(src.join('\r\n'), { doctype:'html' })); }); it('should support single quotes', function(){ assert.equal("


", pug.render("p 'foo'")); assert.equal("


", pug.render("p\n | 'foo'")); assert.equal('', pug.render("- var path = 'foo';\na(href='/' + path)")); }); it('should support block-expansion', function(){ assert.equal("
  • foo
  • bar
  • baz
  • ", pug.render("li: a foo\nli: a bar\nli: a baz")); assert.equal("
  • foo
  • bar
  • baz
  • ", pug.render("li.first: a foo\nli: a bar\nli: a baz")); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render(".foo: .bar baz")); }); it('should support tags', function(){ var str = [ 'p', 'div', 'img', 'br/' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '

    ', '
    ', '', '
    ' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str), 'Test basic tags'); assert.equal('', pug.render('fb:foo-bar'), 'Test hyphens'); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.something'), 'Test classes'); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div#something'), 'Test ids'); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('.something'), 'Test stand-alone classes'); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('#something'), 'Test stand-alone ids'); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('#foo.bar')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('.bar#foo')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div#foo(class="bar")')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div(class="bar")#foo')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div(id="bar").foo')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.foo.bar.baz')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div(class="foo").bar.baz')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.foo(class="bar").baz')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.foo.bar(class="baz")')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.a-b2')); assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('div.a_b2')); assert.equal('', pug.render('fb:user')); assert.equal('', pug.render('fb:user:role')); assert.equal('', pug.render('colgroup\n col.test')); }); it('should support nested tags', function(){ var str = [ 'ul', ' li a', ' li b', ' li', ' ul', ' li c', ' li d', ' li e', ].join('\n'); var html = [ '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); var str = [ 'a(href="#")', ' | foo ', ' | bar ', ' | baz' ].join('\n'); assert.equal('foo \nbar \nbaz', pug.render(str)); var str = [ 'ul', ' li one', ' ul', ' | two', ' li three' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); }); it('should support variable length newlines', function(){ var str = [ 'ul', ' li a', ' ', ' li b', ' ', ' ', ' li', ' ul', ' li c', '', ' li d', ' li e', ].join('\n'); var html = [ '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); }); it('should support tab conversion', function(){ var str = [ 'ul', '\tli a', '\t', '\tli b', '\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\tli', '\t\tul', '\t\t\tli c', '', '\t\t\tli d', '\tli e', ].join('\n'); var html = [ '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); }); it('should support newlines', function(){ var str = [ 'ul', ' li a', ' ', ' ', '', ' ', ' li b', ' li', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ul', ' ', ' li c', ' li d', ' li e', ].join('\n'); var html = [ '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); var str = [ 'html', ' ', ' head', ' != "test"', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' body' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '', '', 'test', '', '', '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); assert.equal('something', pug.render('foo\n= "something"\nbar')); assert.equal('somethingelse', pug.render('foo\n= "something"\nbar\n= "else"')); }); it('should support text', function(){ assert.equal('foo\nbar\nbaz', pug.render('| foo\n| bar\n| baz')); assert.equal('foo \nbar \nbaz', pug.render('| foo \n| bar \n| baz')); assert.equal('(hey)', pug.render('| (hey)')); assert.equal('some random text', pug.render('| some random text')); assert.equal(' foo', pug.render('| foo')); assert.equal(' foo ', pug.render('| foo ')); assert.equal(' foo \n bar ', pug.render('| foo \n| bar ')); }); it('should support pipe-less text', function(){ assert.equal('
    ', pug.render('pre\n code\n foo\n\n bar')); assert.equal('


    ', pug.render('p.\n foo\n\n bar')); assert.equal('


    ', pug.render('p.\n foo\n\n\n\n bar')); assert.equal('

    foo\n bar\nfoo

    ', pug.render('p.\n foo\n bar\n foo')); assert.equal('', pug.render('script.\n s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)\n')); assert.equal('', pug.render('script.\n s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)')); }); it('should support tag text', function(){ assert.equal('

    some random text

    ', pug.render('p some random text')); assert.equal('


    ', pug.render('p\n | click\n a Google\n | .')); assert.equal('


    ', pug.render('p (parens)')); assert.equal('


    ', pug.render('p(foo="bar") (parens)')); assert.equal('', pug.render('option(value="") -- (optional) foo --')); }); it('should support tag text block', function(){ assert.equal('

    foo \nbar \nbaz

    ', pug.render('p\n | foo \n | bar \n | baz')); assert.equal('', pug.render('label\n | Password:\n input')); assert.equal('', pug.render('label Password:\n input')); }); it('should support tag text interpolation', function(){ assert.equal('yo, pug is cool', pug.render('| yo, #{name} is cool\n', { name: 'pug' })); assert.equal('

    yo, pug is cool

    ', pug.render('p yo, #{name} is cool', { name: 'pug' })); assert.equal('yo, pug is cool', pug.render('| yo, #{name || "pug"} is cool', { name: null })); assert.equal('yo, \'pug\' is cool', pug.render('| yo, #{name || "\'pug\'"} is cool', { name: null })); assert.equal('foo <script> bar', pug.render('| foo #{code} bar', { code: '', '', '' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); }); it('should support comments', function(){ // Regular var str = [ '//foo', 'p bar' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '', '


    ' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); // Between tags var str = [ 'p foo', '// bar ', 'p baz' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '


    ', '', '


    ' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); // Quotes var str = "", js = "// script(src: '/js/validate.js') "; assert.equal(str, pug.render(js)); }); it('should support unbuffered comments', function(){ var str = [ '//- foo', 'p bar' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '


    ' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); var str = [ 'p foo', '//- bar ', 'p baz' ].join('\n'); var html = [ '


    ', '


    ' ].join(''); assert.equal(html, pug.render(str)); }); it('should support literal html', function(){ assert.equal('', pug.render('')); }); it('should support code', function(){ assert.equal('test', pug.render('!= "test"')); assert.equal('test', pug.render('= "test"')); assert.equal('test', pug.render('- var foo = "test"\n=foo')); assert.equal('footestbar', pug.render('- var foo = "test"\n| foo\nem= foo\n| bar')); assert.equal('test


    ', pug.render('!= "test"\nh2 something')); var str = [ '- var foo = "' , pug.render(str, { filename: __dirname + '/pug.test.js' })); }); it('should not fail on js newlines', function(){ assert.equal("


    ", pug.render("p foo\u2028bar")); assert.equal("


    ", pug.render("p foo\u2029bar")); }); it('should display error line number correctly up to token level', function() { var str = [ 'p.', ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur', ' adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor', ' incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'p.', ' Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud', ' exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip', ' ex ea commodo consequat.', 'p.', ' Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit', ' in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu', ' fugiat nulla pariatur.', 'a(href="#" Next', ].join('\n'); var errorLocation = function(str) { try { pug.render(str); } catch (err) { return err.message.split('\n')[0]; } }; assert.equal(errorLocation(str), "Pug:13:16"); }); }); describe('.compileFile()', function () { it('does not produce warnings for issue-1593', function () { pug.compileFile(__dirname + '/fixtures/issue-1593/index.pug'); }); it('should support caching (pass 1)', function () { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFile.pug', '.foo bar'); var fn = pug.compileFile(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFile.pug', { cache: true }); var expected = '
    '; assert(fn() === expected); }); it('should support caching (pass 2)', function () { // Poison the input file fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFile.pug', '.big fat hen'); var fn = pug.compileFile(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFile.pug', { cache: true }); var expected = '
    '; assert(fn() === expected); }); }); describe('.render()', function () { it('should support .pug.render(str, fn)', function(){ pug.render('p foo bar', function(err, str){ assert.ok(!err); assert.equal('

    foo bar

    ', str); }); }); it('should support .pug.render(str, options, fn)', function(){ pug.render('p #{foo}', { foo: 'bar' }, function(err, str){ assert.ok(!err); assert.equal('


    ', str); }); }); it('should support .pug.render(str, options, fn) cache', function(){ pug.render('p bar', { cache: true }, function(err, str){ assert.ok(/the "filename" option is required for caching/.test(err.message)); }); pug.render('p foo bar', { cache: true, filename: 'test' }, function(err, str){ assert.ok(!err); assert.equal('

    foo bar

    ', str); }); }); }) describe('.compile()', function(){ it('should support .compile()', function(){ var fn = pug.compile('p foo'); assert.equal('


    ', fn()); }); it('should support .compile() locals', function(){ var fn = pug.compile('p= foo'); assert.equal('


    ', fn({ foo: 'bar' })); }); it('should support .compile() locals in \'self\' hash', function(){ var fn = pug.compile('p= self.foo', {self: true}); assert.equal('


    ', fn({ foo: 'bar' })); }); it('should support .compile() no debug', function(){ var fn = pug.compile('p foo\np #{bar}', {compileDebug: false}); assert.equal('



    ', fn({bar: 'baz'})); }); it('should support .compile() no debug and global helpers', function(){ var fn = pug.compile('p foo\np #{bar}', {compileDebug: false, helpers: 'global'}); assert.equal('



    ', fn({bar: 'baz'})); }); it('should be reasonably fast', function(){ pug.compile(perfTest, {}) }); it('allows trailing space (see #1586)', function () { var res = pug.render('ul \n li An Item'); assert.equal('', res); }); }); describe('.compileClient()', function () { it('should support pug.compileClient(str)', function () { var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug'); var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); var fn = pug.compileClient(src); fn = Function('pug', fn.toString() + '\nreturn template;')(pug.runtime); var actual = fn({name: 'foo'}).replace(/\s/g, ''); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); it('should support pug.compileClient(str, options)', function () { var src = '.bar= self.foo'; var fn = pug.compileClient(src, {self: true}); fn = Function('pug', fn.toString() + '\nreturn template;')(pug.runtime); var actual = fn({foo: 'baz'}); expect(actual).toBe('
    '); }); it('should support module syntax in pug.compileClient(str, options) when inlineRuntimeFunctions it true', function () { var src = '.bar= self.foo'; var fn = pug.compileClient(src, {self: true, module: true, inlineRuntimeFunctions: true}); expect(fn).toMatchSnapshot(); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileModuleFileClient.js', fn); var expected = '
    '; var fn = require(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileModuleFileClient.js'); expect(fn({foo: 'baz'})).toBe('
    '); }); it('should support module syntax in pug.compileClient(str, options) when inlineRuntimeFunctions it false', function () { var src = '.bar= self.foo'; var fn = pug.compileClient(src, {self: true, module: true, inlineRuntimeFunctions: false}); expect(fn).toMatchSnapshot(); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileModuleFileClient.js', fn); var fn = require(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileModuleFileClient.js'); expect(fn({foo: 'baz'})).toBe('
    '); }); }); describe('.renderFile()', function () { it('will synchronously return a string', function () { var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); var actual = pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug', {name: 'foo'}).replace(/\s/g, ''); assert(actual === expected); }); it('when given a callback, it calls that rather than returning', function (done) { var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug', {name: 'foo'}, function (err, actual) { if (err) return done(err); assert(actual.replace(/\s/g, '') === expected); done(); }); }); it('when given a callback, it calls that rather than returning even if there are no options', function (done) { var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug', function (err, actual) { if (err) return done(err); assert(actual.replace(/\s/g, '') === expected); done(); }); }); it('when given a callback, it calls that with any errors', function (done) { pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/fixtures/runtime.error.pug', function (err, actual) { assert.ok(err); done(); }); }); it('should support caching (pass 1)', function (done) { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-renderFile.pug', '.foo bar'); pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/temp/input-renderFile.pug', { cache: true }, function (err, actual) { if (err) return done(err); assert.equal('
    ', actual); done(); }); }); it('should support caching (pass 2)', function (done) { // Poison the input file fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-renderFile.pug', '.big fat hen'); pug.renderFile(__dirname + '/temp/input-renderFile.pug', { cache: true }, function (err, actual) { if (err) return done(err); assert.equal('
    ', actual); done(); }); }); }); describe('.compileFileClient(path, options)', function () { it('returns a string form of a function called `template`', function () { var src = pug.compileFileClient(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug'); var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); var fn = Function('pug', src + '\nreturn template;')(pug.runtime); var actual = fn({name: 'foo'}).replace(/\s/g, ''); assert(actual === expected); }); it('accepts the `name` option to rename the resulting function', function () { var src = pug.compileFileClient(__dirname + '/cases/basic.pug', {name: 'myTemplateName'}); var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cases/basic.html', 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, ''); var fn = Function('pug', src + '\nreturn myTemplateName;')(pug.runtime); var actual = fn({name: 'foo'}).replace(/\s/g, ''); assert(actual === expected); }); it('should support caching (pass 1)', function () { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFileClient.pug', '.foo bar'); var src = pug.compileFileClient(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFileClient.pug', { name: 'myTemplateName', cache: true }); var expected = '
    '; var fn = Function('pug', src + '\nreturn myTemplateName;')(pug.runtime); assert(fn() === expected); }); it('should support caching (pass 2)', function () { // Poison the input file fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFileClient.pug', '.big fat hen'); var src = pug.compileFileClient(__dirname + '/temp/input-compileFileClient.pug', { name: 'myTemplateName', cache: true }); var expected = '
    '; var fn = Function('pug', src + '\nreturn myTemplateName;')(pug.runtime); assert(fn() === expected); }); }); describe('.runtime', function () { describe('.merge', function () { it('merges two attribute objects, giving precedensce to the second object', function () { assert.deepEqual(pug.runtime.merge({}, {'class': ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}), {'class': ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}); assert.deepEqual(pug.runtime.merge({'class': ['foo'], 'foo': 'baz'}, {'class': ['bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}), {'class': ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}); assert.deepEqual(pug.runtime.merge({'class': ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}, {}), {'class': ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo': 'bar'}); }); }); describe('.attrs', function () { it('Renders the given attributes object', function () { assert.equal(pug.runtime.attrs({}), ''); assert.equal(pug.runtime.attrs({'class': []}), ''); assert.equal(pug.runtime.attrs({'class': ['foo']}), ' class="foo"'); assert.equal(pug.runtime.attrs({'class': ['foo'], 'id': 'bar'}), ' class="foo" id="bar"'); }); }); }); describe('filter indentation', function () { it('is maintained', function () { var filters = { indents: function(str){ return str.split(/\n/).map(function (line) { return line.match(/^ */)[0].length; }).join(","); } }; var indents = [ ':indents', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x', ' x' ].join('\n'); assert.equal(pug.render(indents, {filters: filters}), '0,1,2,3,0,4,4,3,3,4,2,0,2,0,1'); }); }); describe('.compile().dependencies', function() { it('should list the filename of the template referenced by extends', function(){ var filename = __dirname + '/dependencies/extends1.pug'; var str = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); var info = pug.compile(str, {filename: filename}); assert.deepEqual([ path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency1.pug') ], info.dependencies); }); it('should list the filename of the template referenced by an include', function() { var filename = __dirname + '/dependencies/include1.pug'; var str = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); var info = pug.compile(str, {filename: filename}); assert.deepEqual([ path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency1.pug') ], info.dependencies); }); it('should list the dependencies of extends dependencies', function() { var filename = __dirname + '/dependencies/extends2.pug'; var str = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); var info = pug.compile(str, {filename: filename}); assert.deepEqual([ path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency2.pug'), path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency3.pug') ], info.dependencies); }); it('should list the dependencies of include dependencies', function() { var filename = __dirname + '/dependencies/include2.pug'; var str = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); var info = pug.compile(str, {filename: filename}); assert.deepEqual([ path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency2.pug'), path.resolve(__dirname + '/dependencies/dependency3.pug') ],info.dependencies); }); }); describe('.name', function() { it('should have a name attribute', function() { assert.strictEqual(pug.name, 'Pug'); }); }); });