function pug_escape(e) { var a = "" + e, t = pug_match_html.exec(a); if (!t) return e; var r, c, n, s = ""; for (r = t.index, c = 0; r < a.length; r++) { switch (a.charCodeAt(r)) { case 34: n = """; break; case 38: n = "&"; break; case 60: n = "<"; break; case 62: n = ">"; break; default: continue; } c !== r && (s += a.substring(c, r)), c = r + 1, s += n; } return c !== r ? s + a.substring(c, r) : s; } var pug_match_html = /["&<>]/; function template(locals) { var pug_html = "", pug_mixins = {}, pug_interp; pug_html = pug_html + ""; var friends = 1; switch (friends) { case 0: pug_html = pug_html + "

you have no friends

"; break; case 1: pug_html = pug_html + "

you have a friend

"; break; default: pug_html = pug_html + "

you have " + pug_escape(null == (pug_interp = friends) ? "" : pug_interp) + " friends

"; break; } var friends = 0; switch (friends) { case 0: case 1: pug_html = pug_html + "

you have very few friends

"; break; default: pug_html = pug_html + "

you have " + pug_escape(null == (pug_interp = friends) ? "" : pug_interp) + " friends

"; break; } var friend = "Tim:G"; switch (friend) { case "Tim:G": pug_html = pug_html + "

Friend is a string

"; break; case { tim: "g" }: pug_html = pug_html + "

Friend is an object

"; break; } pug_html = pug_html + ""; return pug_html; }