var SourceMapConsumer = require('source-map').SourceMapConsumer; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var url = require('url'); var override = require('../utils/object.js').override; var MAP_MARKER = /\/\*# sourceMappingURL=(\S+) \*\//; var REMOTE_RESOURCE = /^(https?:)?\/\//; var DATA_URI = /^data:(\S*?)?(;charset=[^;]+)?(;[^,]+?)?,(.+)/; var unescape = global.unescape; function InputSourceMapStore(outerContext) { this.options = outerContext.options; this.errors = outerContext.errors; this.warnings = outerContext.warnings; this.sourceTracker = outerContext.sourceTracker; this.timeout = this.options.inliner.timeout; this.requestOptions = this.options.inliner.request; this.localOnly = outerContext.localOnly; this.relativeTo = || process.cwd(); this.maps = {}; this.sourcesContent = {}; } function fromString(self, _, whenDone) { self.trackLoaded(undefined, undefined, self.options.sourceMap); return whenDone(); } function fromSource(self, data, whenDone, context) { var nextAt = 0; function proceedToNext() { context.cursor += nextAt + 1; fromSource(self, data, whenDone, context); } while (context.cursor < data.length) { var fragment = data.substring(context.cursor); var markerStartMatch = self.sourceTracker.nextStart(fragment) || { index: -1 }; var markerEndMatch = self.sourceTracker.nextEnd(fragment) || { index: -1 }; var mapMatch = MAP_MARKER.exec(fragment) || { index: -1 }; var sourceMapFile = mapMatch[1]; nextAt = data.length; if (markerStartMatch.index > -1) nextAt = markerStartMatch.index; if (markerEndMatch.index > -1 && markerEndMatch.index < nextAt) nextAt = markerEndMatch.index; if (mapMatch.index > -1 && mapMatch.index < nextAt) nextAt = mapMatch.index; if (nextAt == data.length) break; if (nextAt == markerStartMatch.index) { context.files.push(markerStartMatch.filename); } else if (nextAt == markerEndMatch.index) { context.files.pop(); } else if (nextAt == mapMatch.index) { var isRemote = /^https?:\/\//.test(sourceMapFile) || /^\/\//.test(sourceMapFile); var isDataUri = DATA_URI.test(sourceMapFile); if (isRemote) { return fetchMapFile(self, sourceMapFile, context, proceedToNext); } else { var sourceFile = context.files[context.files.length - 1]; var sourceMapPath, sourceMapData; var sourceDir = sourceFile ? path.dirname(sourceFile) : self.options.relativeTo; if (isDataUri) { // source map's path is the same as the source file it comes from sourceMapPath = path.resolve(self.options.root, sourceFile || ''); sourceMapData = fromDataUri(sourceMapFile); } else { sourceMapPath = path.resolve(self.options.root, path.join(sourceDir || '', sourceMapFile)); sourceMapData = fs.readFileSync(sourceMapPath, 'utf-8'); } self.trackLoaded(sourceFile || undefined, sourceMapPath, sourceMapData); } } context.cursor += nextAt + 1; } return whenDone(); } function fromDataUri(uriString) { var match = DATA_URI.exec(uriString); var charset = match[2] ? match[2].split(/[=;]/)[2] : 'us-ascii'; var encoding = match[3] ? match[3].split(';')[1] : 'utf8'; var data = encoding == 'utf8' ? unescape(match[4]) : match[4]; var buffer = new Buffer(data, encoding); buffer.charset = charset; return buffer.toString(); } function fetchMapFile(self, sourceUrl, context, done) { fetch(self, sourceUrl, function (data) { self.trackLoaded(context.files[context.files.length - 1] || undefined, sourceUrl, data); done(); }, function (message) { context.errors.push('Broken source map at "' + sourceUrl + '" - ' + message); return done(); }); } function fetch(self, path, onSuccess, onFailure) { var protocol = path.indexOf('https') === 0 ? https : http; var requestOptions = override(url.parse(path), self.requestOptions); var errorHandled = false; protocol .get(requestOptions, function (res) { if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299) return onFailure(res.statusCode); var chunks = []; res.on('data', function (chunk) { chunks.push(chunk.toString()); }); res.on('end', function () { onSuccess(chunks.join('')); }); }) .on('error', function (res) { if (errorHandled) return; onFailure(res.message); errorHandled = true; }) .on('timeout', function () { if (errorHandled) return; onFailure('timeout'); errorHandled = true; }) .setTimeout(self.timeout); } function originalPositionIn(trackedSource, line, column, token, allowNFallbacks) { var originalPosition; var maxRange = token.length; var position = { line: line, column: column + maxRange }; while (maxRange-- > 0) { position.column--; originalPosition =; if (originalPosition) break; } if (originalPosition.line === null && line > 1 && allowNFallbacks > 0) return originalPositionIn(trackedSource, line - 1, column, token, allowNFallbacks - 1); if (trackedSource.path && originalPosition.source) { originalPosition.source = REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(trackedSource.path) ? url.resolve(trackedSource.path, originalPosition.source) : path.join(trackedSource.path, originalPosition.source); originalPosition.sourceResolved = true; } return originalPosition; } function trackContentSources(self, sourceFile) { var consumer = self.maps[sourceFile].data; var isRemote = REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(sourceFile); var sourcesMapping = {}; consumer.sources.forEach(function (file, index) { var uniquePath = isRemote ? url.resolve(path.dirname(sourceFile), file) : path.relative(self.relativeTo, path.resolve(path.dirname(sourceFile || '.'), file)); sourcesMapping[uniquePath] = consumer.sourcesContent && consumer.sourcesContent[index]; }); self.sourcesContent[sourceFile] = sourcesMapping; } function _resolveSources(self, remaining, whenDone) { function processNext() { return _resolveSources(self, remaining, whenDone); } if (remaining.length === 0) return whenDone(); var current = remaining.shift(); var sourceFile = current[0]; var originalFile = current[1]; var isRemote = REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(sourceFile); if (isRemote && self.localOnly) { self.warnings.push('No callback given to `#minify` method, cannot fetch a remote file from "' + originalFile + '"'); return processNext(); } if (isRemote) { fetch(self, originalFile, function (data) { self.sourcesContent[sourceFile][originalFile] = data; processNext(); }, function (message) { self.warnings.push('Broken original source file at "' + originalFile + '" - ' + message); processNext(); }); } else { var fullPath = path.join(self.options.root, originalFile); if (fs.existsSync(fullPath)) self.sourcesContent[sourceFile][originalFile] = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf-8'); else self.warnings.push('Missing original source file at "' + fullPath + '".'); return processNext(); } } InputSourceMapStore.prototype.track = function (data, whenDone) { return typeof this.options.sourceMap == 'string' ? fromString(this, data, whenDone) : fromSource(this, data, whenDone, { files: [], cursor: 0, errors: this.errors }); }; InputSourceMapStore.prototype.trackLoaded = function (sourcePath, mapPath, mapData) { var relativeTo = this.options.explicitTarget ? : this.options.root; var isRemote = REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(sourcePath); if (mapPath) { mapPath = isRemote ? path.dirname(mapPath) : path.dirname(path.relative(relativeTo, mapPath)); } this.maps[sourcePath] = { path: mapPath, data: new SourceMapConsumer(mapData) }; trackContentSources(this, sourcePath); }; InputSourceMapStore.prototype.isTracking = function (source) { return !!this.maps[source]; }; InputSourceMapStore.prototype.originalPositionFor = function (sourceInfo, token, allowNFallbacks) { return originalPositionIn(this.maps[sourceInfo.source], sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, token, allowNFallbacks); }; InputSourceMapStore.prototype.sourcesContentFor = function (contextSource) { return this.sourcesContent[contextSource]; }; InputSourceMapStore.prototype.resolveSources = function (whenDone) { var toResolve = []; for (var sourceFile in this.sourcesContent) { var contents = this.sourcesContent[sourceFile]; for (var originalFile in contents) { if (!contents[originalFile]) toResolve.push([sourceFile, originalFile]); } } return _resolveSources(this, toResolve, whenDone); }; module.exports = InputSourceMapStore;