# pixsy a tool for [Bitsy Game Maker](http://bitsy.org). upload any image and convert it into a room. ## credits made by [Max Bradbury](http://tinybird.info/). makes use of my own [bitsy parser](https://crates.io/crates/bitsy-parser) library. uses the [Croppie](https://foliotek.github.io/Croppie/) image crop plugin by [Foliotek](https://www.foliotek.com/) uses [wasm-bindgen](https://crates.io/crates/wasm-bindgen) to automate WebAssembly bindings. ## thanks to [Adam Le Doux](http://ledoux.io/) for creating the wonderful and inspiring Bitsy to [Mark Wonnacott](https://kool.tools/) for their support, encouragement and inspiration and to everyone in the bitsy community! ## contributing forks and pull requests welcome! ### development prerequisites * [rust/cargo](https://rustup.rs/) * [pug](https://pugjs.org/) * [less](http://lesscss.org/) * a bash shell for the build script ## bugs when importing images, some pixels have errors. it seems to only happen for pixels surrounded at the top and left: ``` 111 111 100 => 110 100 100 ``` pixsy does not work in the Itch desktop program because their bundled version of Chromium does not support WebAssembly. ## to do * add alternative dithering options (Atkinson, Bayer 8×8) * add a 'smoothing' (noise reduction?) stage to remove errant pixels ## could do * reimplement tile reuse option * add camera support so users can take a pic instead of uploading an image * allow user to draw to canvas