<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>endless mines</title> <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family: Helsinki; src: url('helsinki.eot'); src: url('helsinki.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('helsinki.woff2') format('woff2'), url('helsinki.woff') format('woff'), url('helsinki.ttf') format('truetype'), url('helsinki.svg#helsinkiregular') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } * { box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Helsinki; } html { background-color: #272822; margin: 0; height: 10em; /* fallback */ height: 100vh; width: 10em; /* fallback */ width: 100vw; overflow: hidden; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } body { height: 10em; /* fallback */ height: 100vh; margin: 0 auto; width: 10em; /* fallback */ width: 100vmin; } #game { background-color: #1b1c17; float: left; margin: 0 auto; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } #stats { height: 1em; /* fallback */ height: 10vmin; width: 10em; /* fallback */ width: 100vmin; 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i < gameBoardHeight; i++) { $('#game').append(newRow()); } } function newTile() { if (Math.random() < mineChance) { return '<li class="mine"></li>'; } else { return '<li></li>'; } } function newRow() { var row = '<ul>'; for (var i = 0; i < gameBoardWidth; i++) { row += newTile(); }; row += '</ul>'; return row; } $.fn.check = function() { //unclicked tiles if ($(this).filter('li:not(.revealed):not(.flagged)').length > 0) { return false; } //incorrectly flagged tiles if ($(this).filter('li.flagged:not(.mine)').length > 0) { return false; } //clicked mines if ($(this).filter('li.revealed.mine').length > 0) { return false; } return true; } $.fn.checkRow = function() { return $(this).children().check(); } $.fn.checkColumn = function() { return $(this).column().check(); } window.removeClearedRows = function() { var rowsToRemove = $('#game ul:not(.removing)').filter(function() { return $(this).checkRow(); }); if (rowsToRemove.length > 0) { suddenDeath(); } rowsToRemove.each(function() { score += $(this).children('.mine').length; $(this).addClass("removing"); $(this).slideUp("slow", function() { $(this).remove(); //add new row on bottom $('#game').append(newRow()); refreshMineCounts(); //click blank tiles $('li.revealed:not(.mine):empty').mouseup(); }); }); } window.removeClearedColumns = function() { var columnsToRemove = $('ul:not(.removing):eq(0) li:not(.removing)').filter(function() { return $(this).checkColumn(); }); if (columnsToRemove.length > 0) { suddenDeath(); } columnsToRemove.each(function() { score += $(this).column().filter('.mine').length; $(this).column().addClass("removing"); //animation for top row + deletion of column $(this).animate({width: 0, borderRadius: 0, padding: 0}, "slow", function() { $(this).column().remove(); $('ul').each(function() { $(this).append(newTile()); }); refreshMineCounts(); //click blank tiles $('li.revealed:not(.mine, .removing):empty').mouseup(); }); //then just animation for others $(this).column().animate({width: 0, borderRadius: 0, padding: 0}, "slow"); }); } function refreshMineCounts() { $('ul:not(.removing) li.revealed:not(.mine, .removing)').each(function() { var mineCount = $(this).countMinesText(); $(this).text(mineCount); //remove "mines1" etc $(this).attr( 'class', $(this).attr('class').replace( /mines[0-9]/, "mines" + mineCount ) ); $(this).removeClass("mines mines0"); }); } function updateScore() { $('#score').text("Score: " + score); } function isGameOver() { return $('ul').has('.mine.revealed').length == gameBoardHeight && $('ul').first().children().filter(function() { return $(this).column().filter('.mine.revealed').length > 0; }).length == gameBoardWidth; } function checkGameOver() { if (isGameOver()) { $('#gameOver').show(); } } function updateMinesLeft() { //unflagged mines - revealed mines - flagged not-mines $('#mines').text( "Mines left: " + ($('.mine:not(.flagged)').length - $('.mine.revealed').length - $('li:not(.mine).flagged').length) ); } function getAspectRatio() { return $(window).width() / $(window).height(); } function resizeToWindow() { if (!viewportSizingAvailable) { $('html').css('font-size', Math.min($(window).width(), $(window).height()) / 10); } } function isPortrait() { return getAspectRatio() > 1; } $.fn.updateMineCount = function() { $(this).text( $(this).countMinesText ); } $.fn.rowScore = function() { return $(this).children('.mine').length; } $.fn.rowAbove = function() { return $(this).parent('ul').prev(); } $.fn.rowBelow = function() { return $(this).parent('ul').next(); } $.fn.column = function() { var x = $(this).getX(); var column = $(''); $('ul').each(function() { column = column.add($(this).children().eq(x)); }); return column; } window.oneColumnLeft = function() { return $('ul').first().children().filter(function() { return $(this).column().filter('.mine:not(.revealed, .flagged)').length == 0; }).length >= (gameBoardWidth - 1) } window.oneRowLeft = function() { return $('ul').filter(function() { return $(this).children('.mine:not(.revealed, .flagged)').length == 0; }).length >= (gameBoardHeight - 1); } window.isSuddenDeath = function() { return oneRowLeft() && oneColumnLeft(); } window.suddenDeath = function() { if (isSuddenDeath()) { mineChance += 0.01; //don't want the chance to get to 100% because that's completely predictable if (mineChance > 0.8) { mineChance = 0.8; } } } $.fn.getX = function() { return $(this).index(); } $.fn.getY = function() { return $(this).parent('ul').index(); } $.fn.isMine = function() { return $(this).hasClass("mine"); } $.fn.countMinesAdjacent = function() { return $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter('.mine').length; } $.fn.getAdjacentTiles = function() { var adjacentTiles = $(''); var x = $(this).getX(); var y = $(this).getY(); if (y > 0) { var tileAbove = $(this).rowAbove().children().eq(x); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileAbove.prev()); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileAbove ); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileAbove.next()); } adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add($(this).prev()); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add($(this).next()); if (y < (gameBoardHeight - 1)) { var tileBelow = $(this).rowBelow().children().eq(x); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileBelow.prev()); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileBelow ); adjacentTiles = adjacentTiles.add(tileBelow.next()); } return adjacentTiles; } $.fn.countMinesText = function() { return $(this).countMinesAdjacent().toString().replace("0", ""); } $('input[type="radio"]').on("change", function() { switch ($(this).val()) { case "easy": mineChance = 0.13; break; case "normal": mineChance = 0.2; break; case "hard": mineChance = 0.285; break; } }); $('#gameOver button').on("click", function() { drawGameBoard(); $('#gameOver').hide(); $('button.cancel').hide(); $('button.start').removeAttr('style'); $('#setup').show(); }); $('button.reset').on("click", function() { //prompt user with setup screen $('#setup').show(); $('button.cancel').show(); $('button.start').css('left', '20vmin'); }); $('button.cancel').on("click", function() { //prompt user with setup screen $('#setup').hide(); $('button.cancel').hide(); $('button.start').removeAttr('style'); }); $('button.start').on("click", function() { drawGameBoard(); //reset stats firstClick = true; //reset difficulty $('input:checked').change(); score = 0; updateScore(); updateMinesLeft(); $('#setup').hide(); }); $.fn.leftClick = function(automated) { if (!automated) automated = false; //don't want first click to be a mine if (firstClick) { var x = $(this).getX(); x = (x >= 1) ? x : 1; x = (x <= gameBoardWidth - 2) ? x : gameBoardWidth - 2; var y = $(this).getY(); y = (y >= 1) ? y : 1; y = (y <= gameBoardHeight - 2) ? y : gameBoardHeight - 2; $('ul').eq(y - 1).children().slice(x - 1).filter(':lt(3)').removeClass("mine"); $('ul').eq(y ).children().slice(x - 1).filter(':lt(3)').removeClass("mine"); $('ul').eq(y + 1).children().slice(x - 1).filter(':lt(3)').removeClass("mine"); firstClick = false; } if ($(this).hasClass("flagged")) { return; } if ($(this).isMine()) { $(this).addClass("revealed"); $(this).html("☠"); //skull & crossbones //game over, or lose a life, or whatever //... } else if (!automated && parseInt($(this).text()) === $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter('.flagged, .revealed.mine').length) { //already clicked; use middle click reveal functionality //number of flags matches number of adjacent mines $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter(':not(.flagged, .revealed)').mouseup(); } else { $(this).addClass("revealed"); $(this).updateMineCount(); $(this).addClass("mines" + $(this).countMinesAdjacent()); //if no mines adjacent, cascade! if ($(this).countMinesAdjacent() == 0) { $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter(':not(.revealed)').mouseup(); } } firstClick = false; } $.fn.middleClick = function() { //number of flags matches number of adjacent mines if (parseInt($(this).text()) === $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter('.flagged, .revealed.mine').length) { $(this).getAdjacentTiles().filter(':not(.flagged, .revealed)').mouseup(); } } $.fn.rightClick = function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("revealed")) { $(this).toggleClass("flagged"); } clearTimeout(timeout); } $(document).on("contextmenu", "body", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on("mousedown touchstart", "li", function(event) { var x = $(this).getX(); var y = $(this).getY(); timeout = setTimeout(function() { $('ul:eq(' + y + ') li:eq(' + x + ')').rightClick(); mouseHeld = true; }, clickholdMs); }); $(document).on("mouseleave", "li", function(event) { clearTimeout(timeout); }); $(document).on("mouseup touchend", "li", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); clearTimeout(timeout); if (mouseHeld) { mouseHeld = false; } else { switch (event.which) { case 3: $(this).rightClick(); break; case 2: $(this).middleClick(); break; case 1: $(this).leftClick(); break; default: $(this).leftClick(true); //automated break; } } removeClearedRows(); removeClearedColumns(); checkGameOver(); updateScore(); updateMinesLeft(); }); $(window).resize(function() { resizeToWindow(); }); resizeToWindow(); //instantiate the game drawGameBoard(); $('#gameOver').hide(); $('button.cancel').hide(); }); </script> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-60523398-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> </head> <body> <div id="stats"> <div id="score">Score: 0</div> <div id="mines">Mines left: 0</div> <button class="reset">reset</button> </div> <div id="game"></div> <div id="gameOver"> <h1>game over</h1> <p>a game by max bradbury</p> <p>inspirations include minesweeper, tetris and 2048</p> <p>tell your friends</p> <button>reset</button> </div> <div id="setup"> <h1>endless mines</h1> <p> <strong>left click</strong> or <strong>tap</strong> to clear a tile. <br> <strong>right click</strong> or <strong>hold</strong> to flag a mine. <br> rows and columns with <strong>exploded mines</strong> cannot be cleared. </p> <h2>Difficulty</h2> <div class="centre"> <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="difficultyEasy" value="easy"> <label for="difficultyEasy">Easy</label> <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="difficultyNormal" value="normal" checked> <label for="difficultyNormal">Normal</label> <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="difficultyHard" value="hard"> <label for="difficultyHard">Hard</label> </div> <div class="centre"> <button class="start">start</button> <button class="cancel">cancel</button> </div> </div> </body> </html>